• STATUS - Completed

    Watch the recordings for free HERE.

    PURPOSE - Connect experts from around the world, and support work on women’s health and psychedelics from diverse backgrounds. We also hope to educate the broader psychedelic community on critical issues in women’s health, and connect philanthropists with research and advocacy projects.

  • Status - Raising Funds

    Purpose - Explore the role of endogenous DMT and the female reproductive system. Explore the role of transitions in consciousness and female mental health.

  • STATUS - Raising Funds

    Key Outcomes - 1) Inform Psychedelic Care Models for Women’s Health, 2) Enable Facilitators and Practitioners to Craft Individualized Healing Experiences Grounded in Traditional Wisdom, 3) Inform Psychedelic Harm Reduction Techniques for Women.

  • STATUS - In Progress

    PURPOSE - Ensure psychedelic clinical research projects in the US are aware of the 1993 NIH Revitalization Act, and the offices, policies and procedures implemented as a result of the Act. Educate researchers on the underlying reasons the Act was passed, and the scientific basis for standardizing the menstrual cycle as a research variable.

    The full letter can be referenced here: https://dysphoricproject.org/open-letter-to-the-fda

  • STATUS - Completed

    PURPOSE - Provide public comments as requested for the ICER report on MDMA for PTSD.

    The full letter can be referenced here: https://dysphoricproject.org/policy/icer

  • STATUS - Completed

    PURPOSE - Ensure psychedelic facilitators in Colorado are educated on the menstrual cycle and related conditions.

    We’ve responded to the Colorado Natural Medicine Advisory Board who is collecting feedback from stakeholders on psychedelic policy in the state. We’ve recommended an additional education requirement for the menstrual cycle and related conditions for facilitators.

    Our written comments can be referenced here


